Violence against women and LGBTI persons motivated by sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex traits is known as gender-based violence. Women and girls experience gender-based violence at disproportionately high rates.

Sexual assault has historically been used as a weapon of war, and women and girls are particularly vulnerable to violence when there is conflict. For instance, we have evidence that the Nigerian military has sexually assaulted and raped numerous women who escaped Boko Haram bombings in that country.

Around the world, 30% of all women in a relationship have been victims of physical or sexual abuse by their partner. Women are more likely to become victims of so-called “honor crimes,” such as rape and other sexual abuse, than men.

A serious infringement of human rights is violence against women. A state must safeguard women from gender-based violence, including domestic abuse, behind closed doors.

Sexual Harassment and Violence

Any inappropriate sexual behavior is considered sexual harassment. Physical behavior and advances, soliciting or demanding sexual favors, or using inappropriate sexual language are all examples of this.

When someone is physically sexually abused, it is considered sexual violence. Sexual assault can also harm men and boys, but most victims are women and girls.

Employment Discrimination

Women frequently experience prejudice based on their gender at work. An example of this is to consider the gender wage gap. Equal compensation for equal work is a human right, but women are frequently excluded from receiving a fair wage. According to recent data, women make up about 77% of what males do for the same pay. For women, this results in a lifetime of financial inequality, limits their ability to exercise independence fully, and raises their chance of falling into poverty in later life.

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination

In many nations, women are frequently denied rights based on their sex, gender identity, or sexual preferences. Gender non-conforming individuals, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex women, experience assault, marginalization, harassment, and discrimination. Many also experience severe violence, such as “honor killings” and “corrective rape,” which includes sexual assault.


The rights of women are human rights.

Although it may seem straightforward, not until everyone is free and equal can we have a free and equal society? The inequity will affect everyone as long as women do not have the same rights as men.

By defending women’s rights, we improve the world.

Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls “is not only a goal in itself but a key to sustainable development, economic prosperity, and peace and security.” According to research, when women’s rights are protected and taken seriously, society improves.

When we cooperate, we are more powerful.

Although grassroots movements have contributed significantly to change, we can be far more powerful when we work together to support women’s rights. Activities like Amnesty International can constitute a powerful vanguard in the struggle for women’s rights by collaborating with local activists and campaigners on the ground and launching our focused campaigns.